Wal Mart

Wal Mart Manager Imposes Himself:

An interesting story from VCDL's weekly report:

About a month ago, a relative of mine was in the Wal-Mart in Fairlawn. He was doing some shopping while open carrying his weapon. After being in the store for a little while, he was confronted by the assistant store manager, Jim Hancock, who told him that he was breaking the law by carrying his firearm, and asked him to remove it in the store and let him take it. When my relative said no, the manager told him that he could either go with him to the office and "straighten this out" or be prosecuted.

He said, "OK," not knowing what he was going to be prosecuted for.

When they got to the back of the store, the assistant manager then called the Pulaski Sheriff's Department and put the deputy on speaker phone and asked what my relative could be charged with. When the deputy told him that there was no law being broken, he then hung up and started telling my relative that "things were going to change when the next president was elected...and people like my relative
were going to lose their rights to carry weapons."

When my relative wanted to leave, he was told that he had to write a report. After the report was written and signed, he then told him to leave the property. There were witnesses to this.
It's nice to know that you can accost someone, demand to seize their property, demand that they stop their business and accompany you to speak to a policeman (isn't that an arrest?), and then -- when you find out that your quarry isn't breaking the law -- harrangue them, deny them the right to leave until you fill out your "report"...

...and still claim that they are the ones who should be regarded by society as lawbreakers.

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